objective 目的
On April 29th, 2021, a new sauna opened as the renovation of a hotel “SUIDEN TERRASSE” opened in 2018 in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata, to further enhance the staying environment.
2018年に開業した山形県鶴岡市のホテル〈SUIDEN TERRASSE(スイデンテラス)〉のリニューアルを機に、2021年4月29日にサウナをオープン。滞在環境の充実を目的とした。
strategy & idea ストーリー
Shigeru Ban's iconic design motifs were applied, which added an unprecedented design to this sauna space.
This became the first "architect x sauna" collaboration in Japan. This was the starting point for the construction of Shigeru Ban's second sauna building, an office sauna, in the TAMADIC Nagoya Building.
日本で初めて、建築家×サウナのコラボレーションを実現。坂 茂氏のアイコニックなデザインモチーフをサウナに適用し、サウナ空間にかつてないデザイン性がプラスされた。これが足がかりとなり、以降<タマディック名古屋ビル>に坂 茂氏のサウナ建築2棟目となるオフィスサウナが誕生した。
execution & output アウトプット
The sauna space has benches designed based on “paper tubes”, a representative motif of Shigeru Ban's architecture. The shape of the chairs was also hexagonal, the same as the ceiling, which reproduced a sense of unity in design.
The sauna room has a large window that allows visitors to relax and sweat it out slowly while enjoying the changing scenery and the water-basin on the terrace.